Why We Endorse
the Boycott of the 2012
APSA Annual Meeting in New Orleans
A 2004 amendment to the Louisiana Constitution denies marriage and “the legal incidents thereof” to same-sex couples. This provision (known as a Super-DOMA) places an affirmative burden on visiting lesbian and gay pairs, who may never have legally recognized relationships in Louisiana, regardless of their marriage, civil union, or domestic partnership in home states or countries. For example, the 2004 amendment may well invalidate, by operation of law, medical-care agreements signed outside of Louisiana between the members of same-sex couples because such documents touch the legal incidents of marriage which the state constitution withholds from those pairs.
As a result, the undersigned support the boycott of the American Political Science Association’s 2012 New Orleans conference and will not attend that meeting. We believe that a substantial risk of serious discrimination against visiting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) political scientists and their families exists in the Crescent City.
Help New Orleans Now, Not Seven Years After Katrina. Many political scientists want to show solidarity with the Big Easy after the natural devastation and political debacle of Hurricane Katrina. Yet making financial contributions to the New Orleans rebuilding effort now is the best demonstration of meaningful affinity with the plight of the Crescent City. [New Orleans rebuilding foundations include: Rebuilding Together New Orleans, Friends of New Orleans, Habitat for Humanity, Make It Right New Orleans, and Common Ground.] Four days of convention-going in 2012 is symbolic support at best, which should not be borne on the backs of LGBT colleagues. They and their families will face in New Orleans the real and enduring impact of Louisiana’s overtly hostile legal environment.
The APSA May Legally Terminate Its Contracts With New Orleans Hotels. The hotel contracts signed by the Association for the 2012 annual meeting contain this language: “APSA has selected New Orleans as a site of its annual meeting in light of the city's anti-discrimination record. APSA reserves the right of termination of this agreement, without penalty or liability, if the government of the city in which the hotel is located establishes or enforces laws that, in the estimation of APSA, abridge the civil rights of any APSA member on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, physical handicap, disability, or religion.”
Two features of this contractual provision are crucially important. First, if the New Orleans city government enforces laws that abridge the civil rights of any APSA member on the basis of sexual orientation, the Association may terminate the hotel agreements without penalty or liability. Second, the “in-the-estimation-of-APSA” contractual language gives the Association the legal authority reasonably to determine what laws trigger this termination provision.
City government officials in New Orleans take an oath to uphold the Louisiana Constitution. Thus, city officials pledge themselves to act, pursuant to the state constitution, to abridge the civil rights of APSA members who are married to, or have civil unions or domestic partnerships with, same-sex partners. Accordingly, the Association may legally terminate the 2012 hotel contracts without penalty or liability.
New Orleans Is Not Gay-Friendly. A principal argument of many who advocate for the New Orleans conference is that the Crescent City is gay-friendly. But what evidence is there of that assertion?
For instance, Louisiana did not force the 2004 state constitutional amendment on an otherwise gay-relationship-tolerant Big Easy. Rather, 55 percent of voters in Orleans Parish approved the antigay provision.
Furthermore, in a 2010 national survey, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation sent questionnaires to every hospital in Louisiana inquiring about six measures of nondiscrimination involving LGBT patients. Only one institution – the Medical Center of Louisiana (in New Orleans) – responded. And its reply wasn’t encouraging. For example, MCL does not have a written visitation policy allowing LGBT domestic partners the same access to patients that married spouses and next of kin enjoy.
In short, there are virtually no concrete legal, political, or health-care measures confirming that, in the event of emergency, LGBT political scientists and their families would be treated with the same dignity and respect as their heterosexual counterparts at a New Orleans conference. [Learn about a relevant incident.] Rather, every such empirical marker indicates that the Crescent City’s attitude toward LGBT Americans is, at very best, indifferent – but certainly not friendly.
Comparable Discrimination Against Other Groups Would Be Intolerable. If the Louisiana Constitution in effect said, “People of color may not marry or enter into marriage-like unions,” or “Jews may not marry or enter into marriage-like unions,” or “Disabled people may not marry or enter into marriage-like unions,” the American Political Science Association wouldn’t be mired in the present debate. The organization would never regard the Crescent City as a viable conference site under those circumstances.
The Association Can Change Conference Sites When It Has the Will to Do So. In October 2010, APSA President Carole Pateman sent a message to Association members: “I regret that we will not be meeting in San Francisco as originally planned [for the 2011 Annual Meeting]. A very protracted labor dispute between the service workers of UNITE HERE Local 2 and San Francisco hotels has been taking place and there is no sign of an end. Without any resolution clearly in sight, the APSA Council determined that we could not guarantee that the facilities and environment necessary for our scholarly deliberations would be available.
“Acting on Council direction, the Association therefore notified the host hotels in San Francisco that, under these circumstances, we would not be able to hold our meeting there. We have subsequently reached a withdrawal agreement with the San Francisco hotels that will allow us to relocate without paying penalties.”
Virtually the same siting change happened for the 2003 Annual Meeting. A strike against San Francisco hotels caused the Association to shift that conference to Philadelphia less than a year before it occurred.
In short, the APSA can turn on a dime to avoid labor disputes in San Francisco, but refuses -- over five years -- not to endanger LGBT political scientists and graduate students by forcing them to travel to Super-DOMA states to attend annual meetings. The unmistakable message is that the Association gives higher priority to honoring hotel-employee-union picket lines than it does to protecting the well being of its own LGBT members.
[Read additional commentaries on the New Orleans Boycott]
Accordingly, we endorse the boycott of the 2012 APSA Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
The APSA Committee on the Status of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and the Transgendered in the Profession [Read its statement]
Gabriele Abels, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany)
Lilian Abou-Tabickh, University of Toronto (Canada)
Kavi Joseph Abraham, Johns Hopkins University
Martha Ackelsberg, Smith College [Read her statement]
Brooke A. Ackerly, Vanderbilt University
Jonathan M. Acuff, Francis Marion University
Jason Adams, Williams College
Greg Adel, University of Mary Washington
Claire L. Adida, University of California-San Diego
Julio Leonidas Aguirre, National University of Cuyo (Argentina)
Ahrar Ahmad, Black Hills State University
Ronald Ahnen, St. Mary's College (California)
Julie Ajinkya, Cornell University
Dechen Albero, New School for Social Research
Lauren A. Albright, Temple University
Manuel Alcántara, University of Salamanca (Spain)
Noaman G. Ali, University of Toronto (Canada)
Marcus Allen, Wheaton College (Massachusetts)
Victoria H. Allen, Queens College, CUNY
Gaston Alonso, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Saladin M. Ambar, Lehigh University
Flannery Amdahl, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Joseph Amodeo, University at Albany, SUNY
J. Theodore Anagnoson, California State University-Los Angeles (Emeritus)
Christopher J. Anderson, Cornell University
Elizabeth Anderson, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Karen M. Anderson, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Kevin B. Anderson, University of California-Santa Barbara
Jessica Andersson, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Robert Andolina, Seattle University
George Andreopoulos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Elisabeth R. Anker, George Washington University
Deborah J. Anthony, University of Illinois-Springfield
Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat, Purchase College, SUNY
Crina Archer, Northwestern University
Ana M. Arjona, Columbia University
Kathleen R. Arnold, DePaul University
Aries A. Arugay, Georgia State University
Ivan Ascher, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Kuniko Ashizawa, Oxford Brookes University (United Kingdom)
Carol Atkinson, Vanderbilt University
James Mac Avery, Richard Stockton College
William Avilés, University of Nebraska-Kearney
Carl Baar, Brock and York Universities (Canada)
W. Meredith Bacon, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Erik Baekkeskov, University of California-Berkeley
Judith A. Baer, Texas A&M University
Madeline Baer, University of California-Irvine
Martin Bailey, Flinders University (Australia)
Dana Lee Baker, Washington State University-Vancouver
Stephen C. Baker, Jacksonville University
Thomas J. Baldino, Wilkes University
Lawrie Balfour, University of Virginia
Osman Balkan, University of Pennsylvania
Benjamin R. Banta, University of Delaware
Bat-Ami Bar On, Binghamton University, SUNY
Amanda Barber, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Jeanette Barbieri, Hollins University
Franco Barchiesi, Ohio State University-Columbus
Scott W. Barclay, Drexel University
Banu Bargu, New School for Social Research
Amílcar Antonio Barreto, Northeastern University
Lilian A. Barria, Eastern Illinois University
Charles Barrilleaux, Florida State University
William J. Bartosch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Cristina Basciano, Saint Joseph's University
Shana B. Bass, California State University-San Marcos
Martin Battle, Murray State University
Joyce A. Baugh, Central Michigan University
Matthew Baxter, University of California-Berkeley
Peter J. Baxter, Niagara University
Lorraine Bayard de Volo, University of Colorado-Denver
Elizabeth Beaumont, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Emily Beausoleil, University of British Columbia (Canada)
Erin Beck, Brown University
Derick A. Becker, Colgate University
Nancy L. Bednar, Antelope Valley College
Michael E. Begay, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Ronald Beiner, University of Toronto (Canada)
Marc Belanger, Saint Mary's College (Indiana)
Steven Belec, Suffolk University
Mary L. Bellhouse, Providence College
Cristina Beltrán, New York University
Farid Samir Benavides, Open University of Catalonia (Spain)
Elizabeth A. Bennett, Brown University
Jane Bennett, Johns Hopkins University
Victoria Lynn Bennett, Indiana University Southeast
Joe Bergeron, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Angélica M. Bernal, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Eva Bertram, University of California-Santa Cruz
Susan Bickford, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Jack Bielasiak, Indiana University-Bloomington
Terri Bimes, University of California-Berkeley
Stephen Bird, Clarkson University
Ryan D. Birkman, St. Cloud State University
Robert Blair, Yale University
Marc Blecher, Oberlin College
Amanda I. Boak-Riggs, George Mason University
Charles Boateng, Villanova University
Stephon Boatwright, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Clifford Bob, Duquesne University
Ali Bond, University of California-Berkeley
Diana Boros, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Thomas R. Boudrot, Delta College
Rachel Bowen, Ohio State University-Mansfield
Michael W. Bowers, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Lorna Bracewell, University of Florida
William P. Brandon, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
William A. Brantley, University of Louisville
Jennifer N. Brass, Indiana University-Bloomington
Jerry D. Breckon, California State University-San Marcos
P. J. Brendese, Haverford College
Bonnie C. Brennan, New York University
John Brigham, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Shannon Brincat, University of Queensland (Australia)
Bryan Brophy-Baermann, Lesley University
Michelle Brophy-Baermann, Rhode Island College
Dana Brown, Chatham University
Kevin James Brown, Metropolitan State University-Minneapolis
Wendy Brown, University of California-Berkeley [Read her statement]
Kent Brudney, Cuesta College
Anthony R. Brunello, Eckerd College
Peter W. Brusoe, American University
Kevin Bruyneel, Babson College
Scott C. Buchanan, George Mason University
Christopher Buck, St. Lawrence University
Alexandra Budabin, University of Dayton
Eric N. Budd, Fitchburg State University
Kristin Bumiller, Amherst College
Laurie Buonanno, Buffalo State College, SUNY
Cynthia Burack, Ohio State University-Columbus
Susan Burgerman, Independent Scholar
Charles F. Burke, Baldwin-Wallace College (Emeritus)
Jeffry Burnam, Georgetown University
Elizabeth Bussiere, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Anne Caldwell, University of Louisville
Stephen Maynard Caliendo, North Central College
William Callison, University of California-Berkeley
E. Sean Campbell, Independent Scholar
Patricia J. Campbell, American Public University System
Peter Cannavò, Hamilton College
Douglas M. Cantor, University of Illinois-Chicago
Mary Caprioli, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Mauro J. Caraccioli, University of Florida
Sheila Carapico, University of Richmond
Martin Carcieri, San Francisco State University
Sonia Cardenas, Trinity College (Connecticut)
Joseph Carens, University of Toronto (Canada)
Jon D. Carlson, University of California-Merced
Robert A. Carp, University of Houston
Daniel Carpenter, Harvard University
Bruce A. Carroll, Eastern Michigan University
Ross Carroll, Northwestern University
Terrell Carver, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
Daniel S. E. Cascaddan, Clark College
Mark Cassell, Kent State University
Ramón Castellblanch, San Francisco State University
Derek Catsam, University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Steven P. Cauchon, University of California-Riverside
Rachel Paine Caufield, Drake University
James N. G. Cauthen, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Patricia Cavanaugh, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Kristin Cavoukian, University of Toronto (Canada)
Michael Ceriello, Clark College
Samuel A. Chambers, Johns Hopkins University
Christopher Chambers-Ju, University of California-Berkeley
Anita Chari, University of Chicago
Sofia Chatzisavvidou, Swansea University (United Kingdom)
Praveen K. Chaudhry, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY
Erica Chenoweth, Wesleyan University
Feryal Cherif, Loyola Marymount University
Fred Chernoff, Colgate University
Hugo Chesshire, Brock University (Canada)
Giacomo Chiozza, Vanderbilt University
Daniel Chomsky, Temple University
Theodore Christov, George Washington University
Çiğdem Çidam, Missouri State University
Piero Cinquegrana, University of Californa-Los Angeles
Kevin Clarke, University of Rochester
Annette Clear, University of California-Santa Cruz
Emily R. Clough, Harvard University
Myles Clowers, San Diego City College (Emeritus)
Rachael V. Cobb, Suffolk University
Augustus B. Cochran, III, Agnes Scott College
Cari Coe, University of California-Los Angeles
Ann Cohen, Hunter College, CUNY
Benjamin J. Cohen, University of California-Santa Barbara
Dara Kay Cohen, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Martin Cohen, James Madison University
Alyson M. Cole, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Benjamin R. Cole, Dartmouth College
Jennifer N. Collins, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nathan A. Collins, University of California-Irvine
Gregory S. Combs, Collin College
Ryan Combs, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Lisa Conant, University of Denver
Ken Conca, American University
Deidre LeaAnn Conklin, University of Texas-El Paso
William E. Connolly, Johns Hopkins University
Pamela Johnston Conover, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Reid Contini, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Linda J. Cook, Brown University
Erik Cooke, American University
Julie E. Cooper, University of Chicago
Louis F. Cooper, Independent Scholar
William Corlett, Bates College
Rose Corrigan, Drexel University
John Walton Cotman, Howard University
Sarah Cotterill, Princeton University
Jane K. Cramer, University of Oregon
Jesse Crane-Seeber, North Carolina State University
Neta C. Crawford, Boston University
Elizabeth H. Crighton, Pomona College
Stephen Crowley, Oberlin College
Ayça Çubukçu, Harvard University
Jennifer L. Culbert, Johns Hopkins University
Carlos Cunha, Dowling College
Paisley Currah, Brooklyn College, CUNY
R. Craig Curtis, Bradley University
Brian D'Agostino, City College of New York, CUNY
Fred R. Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame (Emeritus)
Francine J. D'Amico, Syracuse University
Cynthia Daniels, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Anne-Marie D'Aoust, Carleton University (Canada)
Courtenay W. Daum, Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Roger H. Davidson, University of Maryland-College Park (Emeritus)
Michael C. Dawson, University of Chicago
Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Justin de Benedictus-Kessner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James D. Decker, Macon State College
Ani De la Quintana, University of Florida
Erwin de Leon, New School for Social Research
Steven M. DeLue, Miami University (Ohio)
Matthew Desilet, Northeastern University
David Dessler, College of William and Mary
Monique Deveaux, Williams College
Kathleen Devlin, Villanova University
Shirin Deylami, Western Washington University
Nan M. DiBello, Empire State College, SUNY
Evan Didier, University of Virginia
Joshua Foa Dienstag, University of California-Los Angeles
Mary G. Dietz, Northwestern University
Paige E. Digeser, University of California-Santa Barbara
Andrew Dilts, Loyola Marymount University
Brian DiSarro, California State University-Sacramento
Lisa Jane Disch, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Gregory Distelhorst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John Dobard, University of Chicago
Andrew Dobelstein, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Emeritus)
Jameson W. Doig, Princeton University (Emeritus)
G. William Domhoff, University of California-Santa Cruz
John Donnangelo, Bronx Community College, CUNY
Cassy Dorff, Duke University
Julie Drucker Donnelly, Independent Scholar
Paul Dosh, Macalester College
Douglas C. Dow, University of Texas-Dallas
William M. Downer, Thiel College (Emeritus)
Thomas E. Doyle, University of Denver
Jesse Driscoll, University of California-San Diego
Shadia B. Drury, University of Regina (Canada)
John A. Duerk, Northern Illinois University
Georgia Duerst-Lahti, Beloit College
Brian Duff, University of New England
Seán P. Duffy, Quinnipiac University
John C. Dugas, Kalamazoo College
Thomas L. Dumm, Amherst College
Colleen A. Dunlavy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Raymond D. Duvall, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Shawn L. Easley, Cuyahoga Community College
David Easton, University of California-Irvine
Kent Eaton, University of California-Santa Cruz
Todd E. Eberly, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Lynn Mills Eckert, Marist College
Pamela J. Edwards-Ham, Saginaw Valley State University
Scott Edwards, Amnesty International
Zillah Eisenstein, Ithaca College
Rola el-Husseini, Texas A&M University
Thomas C. Ellington, Wesleyan College
Ginger L. Elliott-Teague, University of Oklahoma
Elisabeth Ellis, Texas A&M University
Richard J. Ellis, Willamette University
R. Amy Elman, Kalamazoo College
Ryan Eric Emenaker, College of the Redwoods
JeDon Emenhiser, Humboldt State University (Emeritus)
Stephen Engel, Bates College
Isabelle Engeli, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Laura Ephraim, Bard College
Peter M. Eraca, Dutchess Community College, SUNY
David F. Ericson, George Mason University
Verena Erlenbusch, University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Stephen L. Esquith, Michigan State University
J. Peter Euben, Duke University
Roxanne L. Euben, Wellesley College
Matthew Evangelista, Cornell University
Jana Everett, University of Colorado-Denver
James Farganis, Vassar College (Emeritus)
Sondra Farganis, New School University (Emerita)
Dorothea Farquhar, University of Essex (United Kingdom)
James Farr, Northwestern University
Ilene Feinman, California State University-Monterey Bay
Daniel L. Feldman, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
William F. Felice, Eckerd College
Kathy E. Ferguson, University of Hawai'i
Michaele L. Ferguson, University of Colorado-Boulder
Leela M. Fernandes, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Joel S. Fetzer, Pepperdine University
Sandra Field, Princeton University
David Fisk, University of California-San Diego
Caitlin Fitzgerald, University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom)
Richard Flanagan, College of Staten Island, CUNY
Jane Flax, American University
James E. Fleming, Boston University
Joseph A. Florence, Cornell University
Edmund Fong, University of Utah
Heather Forrest, Grand Rapids Community College
Tim Fowler, Carleton University (Canada)
Jonathan Fox, University of California-Santa Cruz
Nicole Freiner, Bryant University
Kim L. Fridkin, Arizona State University
Amy Fried, University of Maine-Orono
Elisabeth Jay Friedman, University of San Francisco
Paul Frymer, Princeton University
Lee Ann Fujii, University of Toronto (Canada)
Peter Funke, University of South Florida
Jennifer Gaboury, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Jennifer M. Gagnon, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
James K. Galbraith, University of Texas-Austin
Susan E. Gallagher, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Judith A. Garber, University of Alberta (Canada)
Leah Gates, American University
Joyce Gelb, City College of New York and the Graduate Center, CUNY (Emerita)
Josh Gellers, University of California-Irvine
Gaspare M. Genna, University of Texas-El Paso
Joe Gershtenson, Eastern Kentucky University
Sassan Gholiagha, University of Hamburg (Germany)
Matthew K. Gichohi, University of California-Berkeley
Emily R. Gill, Bradley University
Richard Gilman-Opalsky, University of Illinois-Springfield
Benjamin Ginsberg, Johns Hopkins University
Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago
Rachel M. Gisselquist, Harvard University
Alan R. Gitelson, Loyola University Chicago
Marianne Githens, Goucher College
Michael S. Givel, University of Oklahoma
Amy S. Glenn, Independent Scholar
Lisa Glidden, SUNY College at Oswego
Min Hee Go, University of Chicago
Stephen C. Godek, Lincoln Land Community College
Farah Godrej, University of California-Riverside
Howard J. Gold, Smith College
Ben Golder, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Johnny Goldfinger, Marian University
Benjamin Goldfrank, Seton Hall University
Loren Goldman, University of California-Berkeley
Sheldon Goldman, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Joshua S. Goldstein, American University (Emeritus)
Mark Golub, Scripps College
George A. Gonzalez, University of Miami
Yanilda González, Princeton University
Eric Goodfield, Independent Scholar
Michael Goodhart, University of Pittsburgh [Read his statement]
Robert Gooding-Williams, University of Chicago
Jeffrey Goodwin, New York University
Jane Gordon, Temple University
Neve Gordon, Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Robert C. Grady, II, Eastern Michigan University (Emeritus)
Chris Grant, Mercer University
Daragh Grant, University of Chicago
Laura Grattan, Wellesley College
Andrew Green, Central College
Kenneth F. Greene, University of Texas-Austin
Benjamin Gregg, University of Texas-Austin
Sam Grey, University of Victoria (Canada)
Ellen Grigsby, University of New Mexico
Kevin E. Grisham, California State University-San Bernardino
Matthew Gritter, Siena College
Susan E. Grogan, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Lori Gronich, George Washington University
Kimmo Grönlund, Åbo Akademi University (Finland)
Isebill V. Gruhn, University of California-Santa Cruz (Emerita)
Rodney A. Grunes, Centenary College of Louisiana (Emeritus)
Jeannie Grussendorf, Georgia State University
Gerard Gryski, Auburn University
Mark Grzegorzewski, University of South Florida
Gregory G. Gunderson, Eastern Kentucky University
Ayten Gündogdu, Barnard College
John G. Gunnell, University at Albany, SUNY
David Guston, Arizona State University
Wilmer Gutierrez, Goucher College
Liesl Haas, California State University-Long Beach
Justin Hackett, University of Houston-Downtown
Khristina Haddad, Moravian College
Charles Hadlock, Bentley University
Rich Haesly, California State University-Long Beach
Nina Hagel, University of California-Berkeley
Megan Haller, University of Illinois-Chicago
Marie-Claude Hamel, Brown University
Darrell A. Hamlin, Fort Hays State University
Lori Cox Han, Chapman University
Michael Hanchard, Johns Hopkins University
Ryan W. Hannon, Northwestern University
Hannes Hansen-Magnusson, University of Hamburg (Germany)
Heidi Hardt, University of Montreal and McGill University (Canada)
Jill Hargis, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
Christine B. Harrington, New York University
Linda H. Harris, University of Florida
Thurman Hart, Bergen Community College
Roger E. Hartley, Western Carolina University
Michelle L. Hartman, Saint Peter's College
Caroline Hartzell, Gettysburg College
Paul G. Harwood, University of North Florida
Ron E. Hassner, University of California-Berkeley
Linda Hasunuma, University of California-Los Angeles
Tomohisa Hattori, Lehman College, CUNY
Heather Hawn, University of South Carolina
Ron Hayduk, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Jarrod Hayes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Martin O. Heisler, University of Maryland-College Park (Emeritus)
Jeffrey Hernandez, East Los Angeles College
Veronica Herrera, University of California-Berkeley
Rebekah Herrick, Oklahoma State University
Stefan Heumann, University of Northern Colorado
Scott Hibbard, DePaul University
Leslie I. Hill, Bates College
Matt Hindman, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Eric H. Hinds, University of Montana
H N Hirsch, Oberlin College
Nancy J. Hirschmann, University of Pennsylvania
Kinch Hoekstra, University of California-Berkeley
Marcelo Hoffman, Marian University
Stephanie C. Hofmann, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Switzerland)
Breena Holland, Lehigh University
Catherine A. Holland, University of Missouri-Columbia
Bonnie Honig, Northwestern University
Marc Hooghe, University of Leuven (Belgium)
Jennifer Hopper, Washington College
Daniel Martinez HoSang, University of Oregon
Alan C. Houston, University of California-San Diego
Marc Morjé Howard, Georgetown University
Philip N. Howard, University of Washington-Seattle
Chris Howell, Oberlin College
Amy Hsieh, George Washington University
John Huber, Columbia University
David Hugh-Jones, University of Warwick (United Kingdom)
Elizabeth Hull, Rutgers University-Newark
John Hultgren, Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Andrew M. J. Hunt, University of Delaware
Constance C. T. Hunt, Michigan State University
Stacey Leigh Hunt, Auburn University
Valerie F. Hunt, ABW Solutions, LLC
Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Northwestern University
Leila M. Ibrahim, Cornell University
Gaye Ilhan-Demiryol, Yale University
Doug Imig, University of Memphis
Callum Ingram, University of Virginia
Jennifer Jackman, Salem State University
Jack Jackson, University of California-Berkeley
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, American University
Susan Jackson, Independent Scholar
Holly Jarman, University at Albany, SUNY
Maiah Jaskoski, Naval Postgraduate School
James M. Jasper, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, University of Oklahoma
Timothy D. Jeske, Yakima Valley Community College
Alana Jeydel, American River College
Andrés E. Jiménez, University of California-Berkeley
Colin Johnson, Brown University
Genevieve Fuji Johnson, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Liz Johnson, Independent Scholar
Lori A. Johnson, Mercer University
Richard Johnson, III, University of Vermont
Sarah Johnson, University of Chicago
Sterling Johnson, Central Michigan University
Valerie C. Johnson, DePaul University
Alison Johnston, Oregon State University
Steven Johnston, University of Utah
Jean Gabriel Jolivet, Edgewood College
Diana M. Judd, William Paterson University
Karen Long Jusko, Stanford University
Miles Kahler, University of California-San Diego
Ronald Kahn, Oberlin College
Nayia Kamenou, King's College London (United Kingdom)
Gaurav Kampani, Cornell University
Karen E. Kampwirth, Knox College
Marjon Kamrani, University of Cincinnati
Kristen E. Kao, University of California-Los Angeles
Morris B. Kaplan, Purchase College, SUNY
Nelson M. Kasfir, Dartmouth College (Emeritus)
Claudio J. Katz, Loyola University Chicago
Richard S. Katz, Johns Hopkins University
Suzanne Katzenstein, Columbia University
Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Whitman College
Eva Kaye-Zwiebel, University of Southern California
Christine Keating, Ohio State University-Columbus
Margaret Keck, Johns Hopkins University
Gina L. Keel, SUNY College at Oneonta
Alison G. Keleher, California Polytechnic State University
Eric Keller, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Barbara Kellerman, Harvard University
Christopher Kelley, Miami University (Ohio)
Elizabeth A. Kelly, DePaul University
Sean Q. Kelly, California State University-Channel Islands
Chris A. Kendall, Princeton University
Ellen Kennedy, University of Pennsylvania
Rosanne Kennedy, New York University
Sheila Suess Kennedy, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Holger L. Kern, University of South Carolina
Brinck Kerr, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Mark Kessler, Texas Woman's University
David Kettler, Bard College
Zillur R. Khan, Rollins College
Nadim Khoury, University of Virginia
Claire Jean Kim, University of California-Irvine
David Kyuman Kim, Connecticut College
Thomas P. Kim, Scripps College
Garnet Kindervater, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
David C. King, Harvard University
Peter Kingstone, University of Connecticut-Storrs
David Kinsella, Portland State University
Judith J. Kirchhoff, Rutgers University-Newark
Anna Kirkland, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jennet Kirkpatrick, Arizona State University
Jonathan Kirshner, Cornell University
George C. Kiser, Northwest Arkansas Community College
Herbert Kitschelt, Duke University
Carl Klarner, Indiana State University
Jimmy Casas Klausen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Brandon W. Kliewer, Gainesville State College
Jim Klopfer, Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Martin Knapp, Webster University
Greg Knehans, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Bettina Koch, Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Nancy Kokaz-Bertoldi, University of Toronto (Canada)
Avery H. Kolers, University of Louisville
Edward A. Kolodziej, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Angelos Kontogiannis-Mandros, London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
Jonneke Koomen, Willamette University
Kate Korycki, University of Toronto (Canada)
Konstantinos Kourtikakis, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Andrew Kourvetaris, Northeastern Illinois University
J. Morgan Kousser, California Institute of Technology
Michael A. Krassa, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Jeffrey Kraus, Wagner College
Sharon R. Krause, Brown University
Ellis Krauss, University of California-San Diego
Amie Kreppel, University of Florida
Adam L. Kress, University at Albany, SUNY
John Krinsky, City College of New York, CUNY
Henry Krisch, University of Connecticut-Storrs (Emeritus)
Arthur Kroker, University of Victoria (Canada)
Jason R. Kropsky, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Sonia Kruks, Oberlin College
Frédéric Krumbein, Free University of Berlin (Germany)
Mary Rose Kubal, St. Bonaventure University
Erik W. Kuiler, Independent Scholar
Naren Kumarakulasingam, American University
Sheri Kunovich, Southern Methodist University
Daniel R. Lake, SUNY-Plattsburgh
André Laliberté, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Wayne Lalicon, University of California-Irvine
Melissa Lane, Princeton University
Laura Langbein, American University
Edward L. Lascher, Jr., California State University-Sacramento
Toby Lauterbach, Purdue University
Peter LaVenia, University at Albany, SUNY
Anna O. Law, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Roy Leavitt, Greenwich House, Inc.
Carolyn Lee, University of Washington-Seattle
Charlotte Lee, Hamilton College
Chinyelu K. Lee, Sznajader Lee Group
Theresa M. Lee, University of Guelph (Canada)
Bronwyn Leebaw, University of California-Riverside
Valerie D. Lehr, St. Lawrence University
Gary L. Lehring, Smith College
Christopher Leo, University of Winnipeg (Canada)
Eléonore Lépinard, University of Montréal (Canada)
Adam Levine-Weinberg, University of Chicago
Cheng Li, Hamilton College
Evan Liaras, George Washington University
Jamus Jerome Lim, World Bank
Robyn Linde, Rhode Island College
Tamara Lindner, Union Institute and University
Ronnie D. Lipschutz, University of California-Santa Cruz
Margaret Little, Queen's University (Canada)
Sarah Liu, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Alexander Livingston, Johns Hopkins University
Carolyn Logan, Michigan State University
Jennifer London, Institute for Advanced Study
Kenneth J. Long, Saint Joseph College (Connecticut)
Rhonda Kinney Longworth, Eastern Michigan University
Debora Lopreite, Carleton University (Canada)
Aaron R. S. Lorenz, Ramapo College
Nancy S. Love, Appalachian State University
Patrick Lown, Stony Brook University, SUNY
Robert Lucas, Georgetown University
Chris Lundry, Arizona State University
Nancy Luxon, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Cecelia M. Lynch, University of California-Irvine
Meghan Foster Lynch, Yale University
William T. Lyons, Jr., University of Akron
David C. Maas, University of Alaska-Anchorage (Emeritus)
Tristan James Mabry, Naval Postgraduate School
Geoffrey Macdonald, University of Denver
Steven D. MacIsaac, Jacksonville University
Glenn Mackin, University of Rochester
Angela Maione, Northwestern University
Sandy Maisel, Colby College
Dan Malato, George Washington University
Edward S. Malecki, California State University-Los Angeles (Retired)
Linda Kay Mancillas, Georgia Gwinnett College
Lynne L. Manganaro, Texas A&M International University
Maruice Louis Mangum, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Kristina Mani, Oberlin College
Hollie Sue Mann, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Brad Mapes-Martins, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Robyn Marasco, Hunter College, CUNY
Andrew March, Yale University
Edgar J. Marcolin, Purdue University
George E. Marcus, Williams College
David R. Mares, University of California-San Diego
Michael Margolis, University of Cincinnati (Emeritus)
Mara Marin, University of Chicago
Patchen Markell, University of Chicago
Renee Marlin-Bennett, Johns Hopkins University
Ruth Marshall, University of Toronto (Canada)
Lori Marso, Union College
James Martel, San Francisco State University
Andrew Martin, Harvard University
Bruce Martin, New Mexico State University
F. Elaine Martin, Eastern Michigan University
Robert W. T. Martin, Hamilton College
Scott B. Martin, Columbia University and the New School for Social Research
Steven M. Maser, Willamette University
John D. C. Masters, Empire State College, SUNY
Dean Mathiowetz, University of California-Santa Cruz
Melissa Matthes, U.S. Coast Guard Academy and Yale University
Lida Maxwell, Trinity College (Connecticut)
Rachel A. May, University of South Florida
Andrea L. Mayer, Georgetown University
Keally McBride, University of San Francisco
Kirstie M. McClure, University of California-Los Angeles
Darrah McCracken, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
David McCuan, Sonoma State University
Lucy Ware McGuffey, University of Colorado-Denver
James T. McHugh, University of Akron
Robert McKeever, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Claire C. McKinney, University of Chicago
Utz L. McKnight, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa
Adam McMahon, the Graduate Center, CUNY
John McMahon, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Kathleen R. McNamara, Georgetown University
Robert McNamara, Sonoma State University
Walter R. Mebane, Jr., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
James Meickle, Stony Brook University, SUNY
Patrick Meier, Tufts University
Josef Melchior, University of Vienna (Austria)
Jeremy M. Menchik, Stanford University
Tali Mendelberg, Princeton University
Elizabeth Mendenhall, Johns Hopkins University
Matthew Mendez, University of Southern California
David Menefee-Libey, Pomona College
Andrea Messing-Mathie, Washington University in St. Louis
Tamara Metz, Reed College
Michael L. Mezey, DePaul University
Susan Gluck Mezey, Loyola University Chicago
Niall Michelsen, Western Carolina University
Robert W. Mickey, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeb Middlebrook, University of Southern California
Kevin J. Middlebrook, University of London (United Kingdom)
Sidney M. Milkis, University of Virginia
Gregg Miller, University of Washington-Tacoma
Joshua I. Miller, Lafayette College
Lisa L. Miller, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Michael L. Miller, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Rebecca Miller, University of Missouri-Columbia
Steven W. Miller, Modesto Junior College
Anaïs Miodek, University of California-Santa Cruz
Bruce L. Miroff, University at Albany, SUNY
Katherine Mitakides, Miami University (Ohio)
Tima Moldogaziev, Indiana University-Bloomington
Spyros Errikos Monastiriotis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Kristen R. Monroe, University of California-Irvine
Matthew J. Moore, California Polytechnic State University
Shweta Moorthy, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Katherine Moose, University of California-San Diego
Laura Morales, University of Leicester (United Kingdom)
Edward P. Morgan, Lehigh University
Susan C. Morris, Valparaiso University
James Ashley Morrison, Middlebury College
David Moskowitz, Roger Williams University
Kenneth Mott, Gettysburg College
Patricia Moynagh, Wagner College
Daniel M. Mulcare, Salem State University
Karel B. Müller, University of Economics (Czech Republic)
Gerardo L. Munck, University of Southern California
Jacob Mundy, Colgate University
Victor M. Muñiz-Fraticelli, McGill University (Canada)
Ella Myers, University of Utah
JoAnne Myers, Marist College
Emily C. Nacol, Vanderbilt University
Mark T. Nance, North Carolina State University
Laurie Naranch, Siena College
Cary J. Nederman, Texas A&M University
Philip T. Neisser, SUNY Potsdam
Catherine Nelson, Sonoma State University
Dana D. Nelson, Vanderbilt University
Hal T. Nelson, Claremont Graduate University
Joan M. Nelson, American University
Christine L. Nemacheck, College of William and Mary
Max Nemni, Laval University (Canada) (Retired)
Abraham Newman, Georgetown University
Tara Newsom, St. Petersburg College
Akasemi Newsome, University of California-Berkeley
Lina Newton, Hunter College, CUNY
Heather Johnston Nicholson, Independent Scholar
Simon Nicholson, American University
Katsuo Nishikawa, Trinity University
Peter Noordijk, Portland State University
Michael Nordquist, Albertus Magnus College
Andrew Norris, University of California-Santa Barbara
Anne Norton, University of Pennsylvania
Irina Novikova, American University
Angela Oberbauer, San Diego Mesa College
Zachary Oberfield, Haverford College
Cheryl O'Brien, Purdue University
Karen O'Connor, American University
Robert E. O'Connor, National Science Foundation
John S. Odell, University of Southern California
Christopher J. Ojeda, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Duane Oldfield, Knox College
Geraldine O'Mahony, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Daniel I. O'Neill, University of Florida
Carah Ong, University of Virginia
Ato Onoma, Yale University
John M. Orbell, University of Oregon (Emeritus)
Melissa A. Orlie, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Jeffery L. Osgood, Jr., West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Gerardo Otero, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Diana Owen, Georgetown University
Saba Ozyurt, University of California-Irvine
David Palazzo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Robert M. Pallitto, Seton Hall University
Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Princeton University
Davide Panagia, Trent University (Canada)
Nicole Pankiewicz, University of Virginia
Michael Paris, College of Staten Island, CUNY
Eleonora Pasotti, University of California-Santa Cruz
Paul A. Passavant, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Luis A. (Tony) Payan, University of Texas-El Paso
David S. Pearl, Washington State University-Pullman
Wendy Pearlman, Northwestern University
Mindy Peden, John Carroll University
Neil Pederson, University of Chicago
Thomas B. Pepinsky, Cornell University
Clarisa Perez-Armendariz, Bates College
Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, University of Pittsburgh
David Peritz, Sarah Lawrence College
Rosalind Petchesky, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Benjamin A. Peters, Miyazaki International College (Japan)
James C. Peterson, University of Illinois-Springfield
Susan Peterson, College of William and Mary
V. Spike Peterson, University of Arizona
Mary Pettenger, Western Oregon University
Philip Pettit, Princeton University
Ngoc Phan, Rice University
Anne Phillips, London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
John R. Phillips, Benedictine University at Springfield
Brent L. Pickett, University of Wyoming
Jason Pierceson, University of Illinois-Springfield
Anil Pillai, University of Cincinnati
Erika E. Pilver, Westfield State University
David Pion-Berlin, University of California-Riverside
Daniel R. Pinello, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY [Read his statements]
Naomi J. Pinion, Northern Arizona University
Edgard K. Pires, Independent Scholar
Jennifer Pitts, University of Chicago
Frances Fox Piven, the Graduate Center, CUNY (Emerita)
Antoinette Pole, Montclair State University
Andrew J. Polsky, Hunter College, CUNY
Carlos Ponce, Tufts University
Jonson N. Porteux, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Elliot Posner, Case Western Reserve University
Alicia Kolar Prevost, American University
Daniel E. Price, Westfield State College
Diane-Michele Prindeville, New Mexico State University
Doris Marie Provine, Arizona State University
Andrew Prozeller, Rutgers University-Newark
Joel R. Pruce, University of Denver
Elisabeth Prügl, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Switzerland)
Kate Putnam, University of Texas-Austin
Tonya L. Putnam, Columbia University
Alana R. Querze, West Virginia University
Kelly Rader, Columbia University
Claire E. Rasmussen, University of Delaware
Kal Raustiala, University of California-Los Angeles
Jennifer Raymond, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Benjamin Read, University of California-Santa Cruz
Tony G. Reames, University of Kansas
Chad Rector, George Washington University
Douglas S. Reed, Georgetown University
Ryan Reed, University of California-Davis
Janet Reilly, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Robin A. Remington, University of Missouri-Columbia (Emerita)
Wesley Renfro, St. John Fisher College
Min Reuchamps, University of Liège (Belgium)
Jennifer Rexroat, University of Illinois-Chicago
Andrew Reynolds, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Todd Rho'Dess, Ohio State University-Columbus
Andrew Rich, City College of New York, CUNY
Jessica A. J. Rich, University of California-Berkeley
David L. Richards, University of Connecticut-Storrs
Craig Rimmerman, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Kent J. Rissmiller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Ted Ritter, University of Richmond
Steven C. Roach, University of South Florida
Denise Munro Robb, University of California-Irvine
Ann M. Robbart, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Corey Robin, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Christopher C. Robinson, Clarkson University
Jean C. Robinson, Indiana University-Bloomington
H. M. Roff, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Tobold Rollo, University of Toronto (Canada)
Mark Carl Rom, Georgetown University
Maria R. Rosales, Guilford College
Rodolfo Rosales, University of Texas-San Antonio
Gerald N. Rosenberg, University of Chicago
Shawn W. Rosenberg, University of California-Irvine
Donald Rosenthal, University at Buffalo, SUNY (Emeritus)
Andrew A. G. Ross, Ohio University
Diego Rossello, Northwestern University
Timothy Ruback. Dartmouth College
Diane Rubenstein, Cornell University
Joshua B. Rubongoya, Roanoke College
Jerry M. Rueff, University of Denver
Neil Ruiz, The Brookings Institution
Sara Rushing, Montana State University
Jennifer Geist Rutledge, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Megan Ruxton Fiddelke, Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Kerri Ryer, San Francisco State University
Aticha S, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Dan Sabia, University of South Carolina
Jennifer Schenk Sacco, Quinnipiac University
Stephen M. Saideman, McGill University (Canada)
Siamak Salehi, Cincinnati State College
Hesham Sallam, Georgetown University
Arthur Saltz, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Ilai Z. Saltzman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Joel Samoff, Stanford University
Alexandra Samuel, Emily Carr University (Canada)
John Sanbonmatsu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Eve Sandberg, Oberlin College
Arthur Sanders, Drake University
Wayne Sandholtz, University of California-Irvine
Stephanie Sapiie, Nassau Community College, SUNY
Shalini Satkunanandan, University of California-Davis
Jill Savage, Colorado School of Mines
David Schäfer, University of Cologne (Germany)
Frederic C. Schaffer, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Matthew Scherer, Union College
Benjamin N. Schiff, Oberlin College
Deborah Schildkraut, Tufts University
David Schlosberg, University of Sydney (Australia)
Joel Alden Schlosser, Deep Springs College
Thomas A. Schmeling, Rhode Island College
Diane E. Schmidt, California State University-Chico
Ronald J. Schmidt, Jr., University of Southern Maine
Vivien A. Schmidt, Boston University
Steffen G. Schneider, University of Munich (Germany)
Gordon Schochet, Rutgers University-New Brunswick (Emeritus)
Erin Scholnick, College of San Mateo
Morton Schoolman, University at Albany, SUNY
Ryan A. Schowen, Union Institute and University
Sanford F. Schram, Bryn Mawr College
Philip A. Schrodt, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Jean Schroedel, Claremont Graduate University
Peter R. Schrott, Heilbronn University (Germany)
Shawn Schulenberg, Marshall University
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, Yale University
Paul Schumaker, University of Kansas
Joseph M. Schwartz, Temple University
Katrina Z. S. Schwartz, University of Florida
Mildred A. Schwartz, University of Illinois-Chicago (Emerita)
John M. Schwarz, Independent Scholar
Tanya B. Schwarz, University of California-Irvine
Jillian Schwedler, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Suzanne E. Scoggins, University of California-Berkeley
Catherine V. Scott, Agnes Scott College
James C. Scott, Yale University
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott, Eastern Michigan University
Donald L. Scruggs, Stephens College (Retired)
Donald D. Searing, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Nicholas J. Seaton, University of North Florida
John E. Seery, Pomona College
Bilal Sekou (aka Darryl L. McMiller), University of Hartford
Anna Seleny, Tufts University
Susan K. Sell, George Washington University
Vanita Seth, University of California-Santa Cruz
Kenneth Shadlen, London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
David M. Shafie, Chapman University
Torrey J. Shanks, University at Albany, SUNY
Mary L. Shanley, Vassar College [Read her statement]
Jacob N. Shapiro, Princeton University
Michael J. Shapiro, University of Hawai'i-Manoa
Greg Shaw, Illinois Wesleyan University
Daniel M. Shea, Allegheny College
Elora Shehabuddin, Rice University
Steven M. Shellman, College of William and Mary
Elizabeth Sherr, Sherr Consulting
Kenneth S. Sherrill, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY (Emeritus)
Oxana Shevel, Tufts University
Thomas Shevory, Ithaca College
Matthew S. Shugart, University of California-San Diego
George Shulman, New York University
David Siegel, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Curtis S. Signorino, University of Rochester
Heather Silber Mohamed, Brown University
Carol L. Silva, University of Oklahoma
Erica Simmons, University of Chicago
William Paul Simmons, Arizona State University
Jon Howard Simons, Indiana University-Bloomington
Diane Singerman, American University
Beate Sissenich, Indiana University-Bloomington
Joan Sitomer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Daniel Skinner, Capital University
Frederick V. Slocum, Minnesota State University-Mankato
Jeff Sluyter-Beltrao, Alfred University
Amy Erica Smith, Vanderbilt University
Anna Marie Smith, Cornell University [Read her statement]
Charles Anthony Smith, University of California-Irvine
Edmond C. Smith, Southwest Virginia Community College
Elizabeth Theiss Smith, University of South Dakota
Eric R. A. N. Smith, University of California-Santa Barbara
Michelle R. Smith, Barnard College
Nick Smith, University of Chicago
Oliver P. Smith, American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
Thomas W. Smith, University of South Florida
Tony Smith, Tufts University
Verity Smith, Bard College
Zachary A. Smith, Northern Arizona University
Greta Snyder, University of Virginia
Sarah Song, University of California-Berkeley
Gaurav Sood, Princeton University
J. Christopher Soper, Pepperdine University
Jeffrey K. Sosland, American University
Marsha Sowell, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Jeannie Sowers, University of New Hampshire
Bartholomew H. Sparrow, University of Texas-Austin
Niels Spierings, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Rorie Spill Solberg, Oregon State University
Matthias Staisch, University of Chicago
Patricia A. Stapleton, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Marc Stears, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Wayne P. Steger, DePaul University
Rita Stephan, University of Texas-Austin
Otis H. Stephens, Jr., University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Andrea Stevenson Sanjian, Bucknell University
William Stodden, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Howard Stoffer, United Nations
Richard J. Stoll, Rice University
Gary Stradiotto, University of California-Davis
Michael Struett, North Carolina State University
Philippa Strum, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Narendra Subramanian, McGill University (Canada)
Patricia Lynne Sullivan, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Benedict Tafoya, New England College
Neal Tannahill, Houston Community College
Katherine Tate, University of California-Irvine
Dillon Tatum, George Washington University
Steven C. Tauber, University of South Florida
Jessica Taverna, University of Utah
Jennifer Taw, Claremont McKenna College
Douglas Telling, Framingham State University
Rochelle Layla Terman, University of California-Berkeley
Markus Thiel, Florida International University
Leslie Paul Thiele, University of Florida
Brian Thomas, Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia (Canada)
Craig W. Thomas, University of Washington-Seattle
Jerry Thomas, University of Kentucky
Kenneth P. Thomas, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Megan Thomas, University of California-Santa Cruz
Susan L. Thomas, Hollins University
Mary Thornberry, Davidson College (Emerita)
A. Trevor Thrall, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Daniel J. Tichenor, University of Oregon
Charles Tien, Hunter College, CUNY
Michael J. Tierney, College of William and Mary
Alvin Tillery, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Mark C. Tilton, Purdue University
Vincent Tirelli, Brooklyn College, CUNY
John Todsen, Drake University
Lars Toender, Northwestern University
Susan J. Tolchin, George Mason University
Keith Topper, University of California-Irvine
Joan C. Tronto, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
James Tully, University of Victoria (Canada)
Ethel Tungohan, University of Toronto (Canada)
Heather M. Turcotte, University of Connecticut-Storrs [Read her statement]
Jack Turner, University of Washington-Seattle
Robert Tynes, SUNY New Paltz
Jay Ulfelder, Science Applications International Corporation
Wystan Umland, Harvard University
Maurits van der Veen, College of William and Mary
Stacy D. VanDeveer, University of New Hampshire
Stephen Van Evera, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stephen E. Van Holde, Kenyon College
Miguel Vatter, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Antonio Y. Vazquez-Arroyo, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Vincent Vecera, Gustavus Adolphus College
Kristin Vekasi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Charles R. Venator Santiago, University of Connecticut-Storrs
Richard Vengroff, Kennesaw State University
Marco Verweij, Jacobs University (Germany)
Thomas J. Vicino, Northeastern University
Jason Vick, University of California-Irvine
Oriol Vidal-Aparicio, Glendale Community College
Kate Villarreal, University of Texas-San Antonio
Robert Vitalis, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Vocino, University of Rhode Island
Andreas von Staden, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Megan Wachspress, University of California-Berkeley
Nancy Wadsworth, University of Denver
Kathleen M. Waggoner, Iowa State University
Michael W. Walker, U.S. Department of Defense
Nathan Wallace, the Graduate Center, CUNY
Paul Wallace, University of Missouri-Columbia
Max Waltman, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Dana Ward, Pitzer College
James F. Ward, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Brandon Wardlaw, Texas A&M University
Stephen L. Wasby, University at Albany, SUNY (Emeritus)
Bonnie Washick, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ruth Ann Watry, Northern Michigan University
Vesla M. Weaver, University of Virginia
Paul Webb, University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Julie A. Webber, Illinois State University
Lisa Wedeen, University of Chicago
Jessica Weeks, Cornell University
Eve Weinbaum, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Brian A. Weiner, University of San Francisco
Marc D. Weiner, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Matthew S. Weinert, University of Delaware
Erika Weinthal, Duke University
Kimberly Weir, Northern Kentucky University
Laura Weir, Case Western Reserve University
S. Laurel Weldon, Purdue University
Robert A. Wells, Thiel College
Susanne Wengle, University of Chicago
Sharon Wesoky, Allegheny College
Matt Wetstein, San Joaquin Delta College
Anita C. Wheeler, Howard University
Daniel J. Whelan, Hendrix College
John Kenneth White, Catholic University of America
Linda White, University of Toronto (Canada)
Annick T. R. Wibben, University of San Francisco
Antje Wiener, University of Hamburg (Germany)
Leah J. Wilds, University of Nevada-Reno
Donald Will, Chapman University
Bryan C. Williams, Mercer University
David Williams, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Jean Williams, California Polytechnic State University
Juliet Williams, University of California-Los Angeles
Leonard Williams, Manchester College
Anne R. Williamson, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa
Franke Wilmer, Montana State University
Angelia R. Wilson, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Harlan Wilson, Oberlin College
Victoria R. Wilson, University of California-Irvine
Nicholas Winter, University of Virginia
Yves Winter, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Jeffrey A. Winters, Northwestern University
Daniel Wirls, University of California-Santa Cruz
Axel Wodrich, Ludwig Maximilians University (Germany)
Magdalena Wojcieszak, IE University (Spain)
Stephanie Wolfe, Keene State College
Janelle Wong, University of Southern California
Elisabeth Jean Wood, Yale University
Deva Woodly, New School for Social Research
Derek R. Worch, Ball State University
Kristin Wormley, Capella University
Kevin Wozniak, American University
Gerald C. Wright, Indiana University-Bloomington
Heather Hadar Wright, Wittenberg University
Teresa Wright, California State University-Long Beach
Laurent Wrzesinski, Purdue University
Jenny Wüstenberg, University of Maryland-College Park
Haim Yacobi, Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
Priscilla Yamin, University of Oregon
Alfred J. Yannucci IV, American Military University
Waseem Yaqoob, Princeton University
Jasmine Noelle Yarish, University of California-Santa Barbara
Gamze Yasar, Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Megan Ybarra, Willamette University
Jack Yeager, Louisiana State University
Sarah Yerkes, Georgetown University
Rafi Youatt, New School for Social Research
Ana Maria Dzolan Young, Norwich University
Garry Young, George Washington University
Joseph K. Young, American University
Carla Yumatle, Harvard University
Samuel Zeitlin, University of California-Berkeley
Linda M. G. Zerilli, University of Chicago
Jen Ziemke, John Carroll University
Karen Zivi, Grand Valley State University
Diana G. Zoelle, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Hani Zubida, Max Stern Yezreel Valley College (Israel)
Gregory R. Zucker, Logos Journal
Norman L. Zucker, University of Rhode Island (Emeritus)
Christopher Zurn, University of Massachusetts-Boston